Black and white of foamy wave falling into ocean with splashes against cloudy sky in summer day in nature outside

Manta – The Original Bodyboard Brand

Manta is the Original Australian Bodyboard Brand founded in 1985 in Cronulla. The Manta vision aimed to locally create and shape boards that allowed riders to challenge all wave conditions utilising the best design, materials and ideas. Now all these years later the vision is solid. No rules need apply.

But we do now offer boards for everyone.

Bodyboarding grew out of this in Australia. Cronulla was the perfect testing ground in the early formative years with its rich talent pool of willing riders and heavy waves – they were a dangerous combination. Always a bit wild, a bit out of control. Bodyboard innovation flourished through the years since with an array of the worlds’ best riders coming through the Manta School.

Our world has changed in almost every way imaginable and more since 1985 but the core Manta mission remains. We’re still true to delivering surfing challenges with style based on the best technology in Bodyboarding – up to the toughest conditions, fun is mandatory. Check the latest Manta ranges – there for everyone, all levels.